Message & Taglines

The message behind the #LikeAGirl campaign is portrayed multiple times; that skills of strength and stability are not just adopted by males, but females too. The campaign explores how girls grow up to believe that they are limited and defined by a set of rules, and that if they carry out a task ‘like a girl’ it wont be done well enough. This is what drastically lowers their confidence. The campaign attempts to steer girls away from the phrase “like a girl”, explaining how it leaves an insult on young women and doesn’t encourage them to do what they love. 

The message is conveyed through an emotional appeal, aimed specifically for women of the younger generation. There is a sense of empathy that the audience is able to comprehend, as everyone knows what it is like to feel as though they aren’t good enough. The emotional appeal is captured towards the end of the film, when each person is asked how it can effect young females, and if they would like to try again. The emotional appeal also plays on people’s perception of sexism and successfully sparks peoples’ thoughts on the topic. 

The tagline of this campaign was creatively developed in a way that would get people involved. In modern times, the use of technology and social media is part of the average everyday lifestyle. By incorporating a hashtag into this campaign, it allows for a huge online audience to become involved. Additionally, if people start using the hashtag, it allows for free advertising from the brands perspective. People would be using the hashtag, whilst promoting the Always brand, and not even realising it. The tagline of “#LikeAGirl” is mentioned throughout the film, through the casual conversations, but is used in a way that allows the audience to understand the importance of this topic. 

Post 2 References

Always Unveils Groundbreaking ‘Like a Girl’ Campaign (2016). Retrieved from


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