Relevance to The Brand & Tools Used

Relevance to the Brand

‘Always’ is brand that provides feminine hygiene products. One of the many catch phrases of this brand is “Empowering women to live life without limits”. This phrase is visible throughout their website, products, and advertisements; and coincides perfectly with the message that is being portrayed through the #LikeAGirl campaign. 

The brand produces products that are a life necessity for females, from the age of when they approach puberty. Supporting films that were released after the original, state that girls’ confidence plummets during puberty. A study found that girls’ self esteem drops just as much as boys’ during this time, as this is when young teenagers are trying to find out what type of person they are. Thus, it is understandable that they have targeted the campaign at young women, to help them feel empowered during the time that they feel least confident.
Therefore, the campaign itself and the message within, have a very strong relevance to the brand and what the brand stands for.

Tools Used

The campaign is communicated through the use of broadcast media and television. These tools provides an advantage for the brand, as it allows for a lot of creativity, realism, and the incorporation of sound and sight. This makes it a lot easier for the audience to understand exactly what the brand is aiming to get across, as the audience can clearly see and hear what they are talking about. Broadcast media also allows for a lot of coverage; for example the #LikeAGirl campaign was played during the 2015 Super Bowl. Although this does allow for a huge amount of people to view the ad, the disadvantage of using broadcast media is the cost. Always has spent between $50-$60 million on measured media annually, over the last few years. Therefore, although there are great benefits to advertising, there are also challenges which could potentially ruin the outcome of the campaign. If Always spent all that money on air time and advertising media, and the campaign didn’t take off the way it did, the brand would have experiences a major financial setback.

Post 3 References
Neff, J (2015). P&G'S Always Takes #LikeAGirl Viral Video to the Super Bowl. Retrieved from

Television Advertising Pros & Cons (2018). All retrieved from 


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