Always #LikeAGirl Campaign

Always' #LikeAGirl Campaign & Its Timeframe

‘Always’ is a popular brand of female hygiene products, that provides life necessities for women, whilst working towards a build in their confidence. The brand came about in 1983, with a worldwide market and a catchy tag line of “Rewrite the rules, always”. Since this time, Always has released many advertisements and campaigns with the hope that they can rewrite the rules of stereotypes and build self-esteem for females.

In June 2014, the initial video for Always' #LikeAGirl Campaign was released, and has since been widely celebrated for breaking stereotypes and empowering young females. The original short film captures a multiplicity of both males and females undertaking an experiment. The people in the film, aged from 10 - early 20s, are required to perform the first thing that comes to mind when asked to do something “like a girl”. This experiment successfully captures how the stereotypical expression “like a girl” is insulting and belittling for females.

Always has since released 24 more short films with a similar context, with the latest one being released in September 2017. Although there is no specific pattern to the releasing of the videos over time, each one has a unique but significant message that results in heightened brand awareness and a stronger sense confidence for women. 

Each video appears to have an inspiring message, that is different to the rest and stands out. Always' Keep Playing Video video captures the encouraging message for girls to ‘keep playing’, as 50% of girls quit sports when they reach puberty. The video ends with the catchy line of “Show the world how you keep playing #LikeAGirl”. 

Additionally, Alway’s Girl Emoji Video captures the use of texting and they popular emojis that are used each day. Throughout this video, multiple girls are seen going through their phones, exploring the various emojis that describe sports, jobs and expressions. It is emulated here that the vast majority of emojis are presented as a male character. One girl quotes “Except for the surfer, that ones a girl… nope its just a guy with long hair”. This specific video captures how something as simple as texting can stereotype females, and doesn’t truly represent them. 

Post 1 References
Our Epic Battle #LikeAGirl. (2018) Retrieved from

Always Unveils Groundbreaking ‘Like a Girl’ Campaign (2016). Retrieved from

4 Successful Integrated Marketing Communications Examples (2017) Retrieved from

Always #LikeAGirl (2014) Always. Retrieved from

Always #LikeAGirl - Keep Playing (2016). Always Retrieved from

Always #LikeAGirl - Girl Emojis (2016) Always. Retrieved from


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